Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 24th

So this is what I did on Christmas eve 2012...I got stitches! I was playing soccer and a kid head butted me!

Mom, I owe my companion allot of money right now because I didn't have enough for the doctor! I'm so sorry!...I guess because I am White they figured I had allot of money and they screwed me over! They charged me $200.00 (That's so much money here!) but its okay cause the church is paying us back in the next couple months ha but i owe him 500 mil for my doctor bill stitches and antibiotic. It hurts really bad actually haha the doctor sucks!
I got 1 stitch outside and should have had 10 inside but he only put 4 really spaced out ones its about a inch long on the inside.. I sent a picture ..Sorry it is gross.. I bit all the way through my lip!
I don't want to ask you for the money but I think I need to! because isn't fair for my companion to have to spend his money on me and my doctor and I will get reimbursed and put the money back in my account.. So sorry! I just haven't had good luck lately and I'm super sorry to be asking for money!.. but I have too!

So the kid in the picture is Phileepe my friend that's kinda special! He follows me everywhere.

umm .... so we just found out this place is closed tomorrow (Christmas Day)so we are hoping we can do it (Skype home tomorrow) at a different place or maybe even Wednesday now....

So Mom, Will you try to get Skype figured out and set me up an account and send it over to my email? We just found out that I will be using the house I live in so it will be even cooler ha ! alright, What time would be best for you guys tomorrow? actually were probably going to share a computer so what time best for you guys he wants to go at like 10 or 11 Is that okay?

K sweet:))

I will talk tomorrow

love ya!

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