Thursday, December 27, 2012

Skpe on Christmas❤

Trevor is doing AWESOME! He loves the people and is really enjoying his mission. It has not been easy, He has had many challenges with sickness and injuries but he is working hard and making many friends along the way! 6 months has gone by fast! He looks skinny and sports a pretty good tan! Trevor also had a fat lip! He had played soccer on Christmas eve and got head butted in the mouth! It looks pretty bad he sent some pictures (included on his blog- beware because it is pretty graphic...but, because we plan on making a book for Trevor when he comes home with all of his stories and pictures he sends home we included it too) He spent the day on Christmas eve getting stitches! He bit all the way through his lip. one stitch on the outside of his lip and 4 stitches on the inside- Trevor said that the stitches look to far apart and he should have had more like 10 stitches on the inside. Because he was white, they over charged him at the Dr. office! They charged him $200.00 (Which is a ton with the conversion rate in Paraguay)! Glad he is also on a antibiotic! fingers crossed it will keep it from getting infected!

Each Family member had plenty of time to talk to Trevor. He was able to SKYPE us for about 2 1\2 hrs. He was a little emotional when he saw each of us but especially when he talked to Mattea and the little girls ( Preslie, Paisley, and Tynslee) They have grown so much since he has left. Paisley had been working on practicing "Stay Classy" -Something that Trevor always say's.....And still does at the end of his letters to us! He laughed and wiped away tears! He also spent some time with his Grandparents : Grandpa and Grandma Osborne and Grandma and Grandpa Morgan.
It was so fun to see that he is the same old Trevor joking with us laughing and some times shedding a tear or two.

His Brother's Weston and Sam were able to give him advise and tease with him.. Trevor loved every minute! They caught up on his favorite sports teams. Trevor talked about his mission experience this far and how much he has learned and how he loves the people! It was so fun to see the boys talk!-- They enjoyed their visit and loved sharing experiences back and forth on their own missions! They also helped calm his fears about the language and encouraged him to be patient with himself as he has had to also learn Guanine.

Mattea was very emotional when she saw Trevor! She had the hardest time- It really pulled on my heart strings to see her breakdown when she saw him! She was able to tell him all about her horses, school, friends. Trevor had lot's of great advise for her! It so great to hear an older sibling give great advise!

Whitney and Sharla had time to catch up on what is going on with them and also the girls. He loves that they send pictures of the family and also hand colored pictures that the girls color for him. They have been such strong support emailing him each week and sending packages and hand written letters! They have been so amazing and Trevor loves and admires them so much!

Steve and I all were able to have our time with him too! What an amazing experience to be able to SEE him! It really helped calm our fears as we heard his voice and saw that he is really doing so good! Even though he has had one fiery dart after another come his way! He told us that he really likes his mission! His testimony of the gospel has really grown. He talked about how much he has been blessed in his life.
He was able to take us on a tour of his little apartment by walking around with the computer. (It didn't take very long because it was tiny but it has everything that he needs and it is more than most have there in Concepcion!).
It was fun to hear how much support Trevor has from Family and Friends he has made some great friendships With Elder Rigby, Dickson, Gordan. He writes Jovan Ponce and Zack Farnworth every week (He also hears from Ryan Head, Elder Keigley, Elder Howell occasionally).

It was funny to hear that Trevor bought himself some hair clippers and he cuts all the missionaries hair. He sent a picture home. I guess he is the mission Barber. He must have learned from watching Whitney and I . Looks like he is cutting hair in the Church bathroom! Ha ha ha- I wonder if they got permission to do that...NOT!

He talked about the Chavez Family and how they have the missionaries over EVERY Sunday to feed them. The Dad hunts crocodiles and makes about $20.00 a week. They live in a tiny house with 4 children. The house is smaller than our bathroom! They all sleep on the floor or in hammock. They cook outside. They have little but they GIVE so much! They have only been members for 7 months yet they live the gospel better than most of us! Trevor told us that they were able to pay off their property just this last month. I love the picture that he sent of them sweeping the dirt outside of their house. They do not have much but they appreciate what they have and try to take good care of it. We told Trevor to give them 50 lbs of Rice and 50 lbs of beans for Christmas. I would love to meet them one day to thank them for taking such great care of my son!

A fun story he shared with us was one that he had when he was in Argentina in the MTC. The missionaries had a special guest speaker from one of the seventies from Italy. He shared his conversion story with the missionaries. He talked of a Elder Cutler that really meant so much to him and changed his life. One of the missionaries raised his hand and said that his last name was Elder Cutler and his Father had served in Italy!!! They found out that it was his Father that was the missionary that had taught him and converted his family! They called Elder Cutlers Father and talked to him right then and there! Everyone there was amazed at the miracle that had just taken place! Was it a coincidence? I think NOT.....Heavenly Father is aware of us! He was making it known to the missionaries that what they are doing is important and you never know what is going to happen down the road or how many lives will be changed for the service that missionaries render.

The little kids love Trevor and they love teaching him the language! Trevor still feels like he struggles with the language. He can understand most everything but has a harder time speaking .Guanine has been a huge challenge too and the kids are sweet to take the time to work with him.

Today it was amazing to hear his voice and see his beautiful face! It thrilled us to hear stories and see the JOY on his face-- We feel so blessed! What a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS we shared as a family! We look forward to the next time we get to talk to him- Mothers day (5 months away) that will put him about 1\2 through his mission..... AMAZING!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 24th

So this is what I did on Christmas eve 2012...I got stitches! I was playing soccer and a kid head butted me!

Mom, I owe my companion allot of money right now because I didn't have enough for the doctor! I'm so sorry!...I guess because I am White they figured I had allot of money and they screwed me over! They charged me $200.00 (That's so much money here!) but its okay cause the church is paying us back in the next couple months ha but i owe him 500 mil for my doctor bill stitches and antibiotic. It hurts really bad actually haha the doctor sucks!
I got 1 stitch outside and should have had 10 inside but he only put 4 really spaced out ones its about a inch long on the inside.. I sent a picture ..Sorry it is gross.. I bit all the way through my lip!
I don't want to ask you for the money but I think I need to! because isn't fair for my companion to have to spend his money on me and my doctor and I will get reimbursed and put the money back in my account.. So sorry! I just haven't had good luck lately and I'm super sorry to be asking for money!.. but I have too!

So the kid in the picture is Phileepe my friend that's kinda special! He follows me everywhere.

umm .... so we just found out this place is closed tomorrow (Christmas Day)so we are hoping we can do it (Skype home tomorrow) at a different place or maybe even Wednesday now....

So Mom, Will you try to get Skype figured out and set me up an account and send it over to my email? We just found out that I will be using the house I live in so it will be even cooler ha ! alright, What time would be best for you guys tomorrow? actually were probably going to share a computer so what time best for you guys he wants to go at like 10 or 11 Is that okay?

K sweet:))

I will talk tomorrow

love ya!

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17th

Hey Family-

I'm just in ol' Paraguay ...This week was a long one I had the flu ha...That's my life story always sick and my comp is too!

Tomorrow we go to a place called Santa Nee for a party like thing with 4 zones I'm pretty excited!
I keep in contact good with old Elder Rigby and with Elder Gordon. He lives in the same house as my best bud from the MTC Elder Dickson so its pretty cool!

This week our baptism didn't go threw but were hoping for next week!

I got the package thank you so much I love the cards and the hat whenever I get home I put it on I wear it all the time I love it so much and everyone gives my compliments on it I love it and needed it so much!
thank you!

Yesterday something funny happened I was visiting this kid Philepe and his neighbor is this little old man and he has a horse and wagon. He was training a new horse so he gets off the wagon and the horse takes off!... and everyone starts laughing at him cause he is a 75 year old man can barley walk so I take off running after the horse and catch it like quarter mile down the road and drive it back to the old man and now I'm really tight with all the neighbors and the old man! It was way cool and no one thought I would know how to drive them but I got taught by my old man :) !

Me and my comp are trying to do something for the family that feeds us every Sunday for Christmas because they are always trying to do so much for us and they have nothing...

Our bishop didn't get Xed...I guess. but its actually really sad! He won't go to church because he feels so bad. He is still the president every time he sees me he gives me a hug and cries he is super close with me not as close with my comp cause doesn't know him as much. its really sad because it happens so often here (stealing) because they have nothing.

Yeah...We get to talk next week!
Love ya Family
Stay Classy!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 3rd

Heyy love and miss you guys!

This week rained a ton! I was on a division with a different missionary and he didn't have a jacket or a unbrella so we just toughed it out and it was rough but it was way fun in the rain! I've got pictures! Crazy hua?!

I need to learn spanish better tho its hard not knowing it i need to learn fast I'm learning more Guarani than Spanish right now!

We were teaching a kid Ganzolo but his family started to beat him because he was listening to us to we don't know what we should do about this anymore!

I really am having a good time my comp is different but he is cool!
My comp thinks I will get changed this next change so hopefully closer to the city where I actually can recieve mail!
That's what I'm hoping for!

This week is rough with our ward. We don't know what to think about the Bishop. He doesn't want to do anything so i set up the home teaching situation in our ward to help the members ... haha weird right?!
I set up names and home teaching assignments and companions and its dumb because we have to call everyone to remind them but It's going to be worth it I guess because last week we only have 41 people in church!

Once a week I get to go on splits- my comp is the district leader. It makes things kinda nice.

We have Adriana and Marco that are our other investigators.

Mom- if you send package I would love socks short socks I would just love it ...and candy!
and pictures stuff like that sort of stuff and ties oh man! I like the ones you send in email but I want the ones you send by mail so I can hold them.
Oh sweet.. This guy I'm teaching is making me aligator scripture cases because I'm teaching him English I just hope I don't get transferred before there done!

Mattea~Thats a way good lookin horse by the time I'm home it will be ready to ride that's so cool!

I miss you so much!

Stay Classy!
Elder Osborne

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nov. 25th

Hey mamma whats up?
My new comp is pretty cool he is more strict than the other for sure but im trying to break him in.
He told me im the funnest missionary he has been with so hopefully we have a good time and keep it up! He really really really likes to study it freakin sucks but its alright the way i learn the best is now i have to talk a lot more because no one knows him so i talk to everyone now and my spanish doesnt suck so i guess thats kinda cool this week i started being way good buddies with all he kids because i just need to have fun cause my comp is kinda serious so i play with all the kids and my comp was telling me i need to be more serious and we would be better and then the little kid i was hanging with comes upto me and says hey what do i have to do to be baptised and i said do you want that and he said yes!I want to hang with Osborne and now on my comp has been a lot cooler to me about it hahaha pretty funny!

I have a meeting tommorrow in Asuncion so I'm hoping that the other package came.I hope so!

Yesterday i had to go talk to his dad my comp wasnt with me just me with my crap spanish and i understood completely which was sweet his dad just wants him to wait until the kid knows for sure so i told the kid hey you should pray
the next day he said so i prayed and i didnt get a answer so i decided to do it again and i had to do it twice but i want to be baptised ha kinda funny so idk what will happen His name is Gasado and I have Adriana and another Marco and 2 girls all of them should happen this month!

Whats up dad?
Well my new comp is a lot different he is pretty col tho he is the district leader so he thinks he has to be very strict so he trys to be kinda a bummer!
We got some baptisms set up tho its way cool i wont be able to write as long with this companion tho i have to rush now shoot ...
This week i set up 3 baptisms i am really sick today ive been throwing up all day today is the sickest ive been man its hard sometimes but my comp wants to start writting some girls he just got dear johned so im lookin for some so he will like to email longer even if they dont like the guy just help me out yano haha
My companion, he plays rugby he has been sick this week too... He thinks it is this area!

Nov 18th

Hey Fam
So here is some pictures of my week i got a call from the President saying i need to stop tellin my mother when im sick because she called worried sick! Ha so Mom im sorry i would love vitamins i didnt go to the doctor im going to go this week to get xrays of my lungs.

We might be paying for 2 weddings in thge next 2 weeks its the only way we can get baptisms. we are working on getting a new bishop people wont come to church because he is there!
When we had our old bishop there was an average of 150 people in church and since he has been we are at 60 and dropping so i hope we can figure it out would be cool!

Today is changes and i might be getting a new companion i will get packages for sure so thats the thing im the most excited for is being able to get everything that is in the office!

So, I dont know whats wrong with my chest! sometimes i feel awesome and then at night i cant breath or it just hurts like wild at night! kinda bummer it will figure itself out soon i know it :)
Its not heart burn is a pain not a muscle pain its like a bone or a something its a breathing pain ...

I will check to see if there are some vitimans at our store ..but it's not cheap stuff

Thats sweet i miss the naivity i miss cold weather it was 70 in our house and i had a hoodie and a blanket and i havent even been here that long and I'm already freezing in 70* weather!!!

My companion, he really is cool but i could go for a change because i feel like we would work more with a new one but i just dont want a way strict one .he is cool i just want to be busy always i hate sitting around!

Mom, I never from inje... But, i just heard from zach farns today was awesome hearing from him! I love that kid!!!

Guess what?.. the family im living with is going to Utah for conference i guess but i will be out of this area by then. he is way rich! he is awesome
mom i love you stay safe


Im getting a Elder Blackmore! He is going to be the district leader..It will be okay i hope both the sisters are leaving ....

The whole zone is leaving except one of the kids ahh kinda scary but i guess it will be alright ..i know ha i miss ol Rigby
The best things ive learned is people dont care what a 19 year old has to say because that 19 year old doesnt speak the language good but its the spirit and the personailty thats 19 year old brings into the room.
Its been pretty rainy its nuts here yesterday rained like 4 inches ha idk how but it happened
I heard Thayen is in pittsburg he asked Jovan for my email and never wrote me kinda a bummer ...
I miss paisley so much ha when i get stressed shes who i think of ha idk why but i just think of lil pais or lil preslie. I miss those girls so much! You dont even know..

I'm probably be going into the city if i have trasfers so i will get the packages i will get the hat then im so stoked !

There is a kid going home this thurday he lives in orem he is my district leader its wild to think that time actually does go by ha ...
Its been rainy like crazy just my luck i am sick with a cold ha im always sick with something but its alright
I didnt get the picture you sent me ...shoot !
I love you Dad!
Stayyy Classey!
Elder Osborne

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 12th

Hey Dad I love you~

This last week was the worst I've been my knee was shot and I woke up and couldn't breathe idk whats goin down with me right now with all my sickness I was having the hardest time in the world breathing and when I took deep breaths it felt like a knife was stabbing me this was Wednesday, Thur and Fri sucked so bad idk what's wrong with me hahha. Yeah thats my knee all wrapped up and iced.
This is the hardest thing I've ever done! I'm always sick! I'm always hurt! I don't speak the language well...but I know I need to do it!

So, about the lady were teaching.. we're going to have to get some papers for her she lost the papers that say shes legal ha so she cant be married yet!
But we have new investagators. A kid named Juan he's 12. He follows us around everywhere. He is the kid that lives with juniors best friend! He came over one day and Junior left and Juan wouldn't leave! so we took him with us to 3 lessons! so I told my comp we will just keep him walkin with us and take him to his own baptism because he never leaves our side! except he hasn't come around for 2 days now ha ha
and we have Marco and his wife and he smokes but he came to church this week!
In my ward there is a guy that I look up like crazy!
He has 2 daughters and 1 son! His name is Gabilon I will send a picture!
5 years ago he said he had the life! He had a wife that was sweet in the church he just got baptised and just quit smoking!
He moved to Argentina for 5 months to get money for his family and the day he came home his wife was gone and the kids were living with the neighbor! His wife abandonded him! with 3 kids
He is the elders president and he calls me and my comp everyother day to go on visits with us because he doesn't have anything else to do! He is the most faithful person I've ever met! He doesn't miss church for anything! poorest family I've ever met between him and the Chavez family they have nothing! They have been members for 5 months and the dad makes 100 mil a week about 25 dollars!

Have a great week..
I love you like crazy!

Elder Osborne